Challenger Banque Nationale
Rimouski, QC
Oct 28th - Nov 5th, 2006
I had the chance of being selected to be part of the crew of Line
Umpires for an ATP Challenger Tournament that took place in Rimouski,
QC. The tournament actually selected 3 Line Umpires from BC, and
the other two are Stephen (who took all these photos), and Godwin.
Overall, the week was a lot of work, a bit stressful at times, but
still a lot of fun. Obviously, everyone helping one way or another
is a tennis fan. So the Line Umpire team tried to play after the
matches were completed...
Below are some of the pictures that Stephen took during one of
the two times I played tennis with some other officials. Jacques,
the president of the tennis club hosting the event also joined us.
All pictures are available either in tar
or zip formats. Also available is a tar
archive of the original pictures,
before being reworked (these are actually the same).
Note that the tarballs
contain all the pictures I took, not just the ones I present
on this page.
The tennis club treated the players and the officials to a local
Junior Hockey game. It was a lot of fun!
Playing Doubles with Godwin.
Playing doubles with David "Scrappie" Scrapneck.