2007 US Open
Sept 3rd - 9th, 2007

Here are a few pictures taken during a trip at the 2007 US Open with Peter. I think have been very lucky with the tennis we were able to witness from up close. These photos were mostly taken on the last Friday, for the Women's semis and the Men's Doubles Final.

All pictures are available either in tar or zip formats. Also available is a tar archive of the original pictures, before being reworked (these are actually the same). Note that the tarballs contain all the pictures I took, not just the ones I present on this page.

Welcome to the US Open!

Enjoying the Open?

This picture is dedicated to Howie Jackson, our beloved Tennis Coach.

The Women's Semis

For these matches, we were supposed to seat at one of the last rows, but we snuck in...

The Men's Doubles Final

Free access to court-side seating for a Grand Slam Finals!!!

Men's Doubles Final Closing Ceremony
